Friday, February 29, 2008


Food is a wonderful medium for bonding. The smells and presentation of a meal set the mood at the table. Growing up the only time we really sat at the table was for holidays or when we had company. On the average day, though, dinner was eaten on the couch in front of the TV. I recall mindlessly shoveling the food in and suddenly realizing I'd consumed the entire meal without even hardly tasting it.

As my children have grown we've chosen to make a rule of eating together and at the table as often as possible. The TV is turned off, and the meal is prayed over every time. We talk about how the food tastes, who likes what and how the day was. My husband and I learn of new friends that our boys have made at school, who the substitute teacher was and which books they are reading at school. So often I am amazed at my children, and when I look around the table at their round little faces I find my self imprinting this time in my memory. Taking a moment to really appreciate today, instead of rushing around for the ever illusive dreams of tomorrow. Even when they spill their milk, fight over someone taking their fork, or wrinkle their little noses at some veggies or sauce that they don't care for, I am blessed to have them at my table. When we all sit down for a meal together not only is our body nourished, but our spirits are fed as well.

One of our favorite food traditions began as a way to bring Christmas back to the true reason for the season. We eat cake for breakfast! Specifically, a birthday cake. Because Christmas is really about celebrating the birth of the saviour, we make a birthday cake for Jesus every year and that serves as Christmas breakfast. The kids love it (what kid would love cake for breakfast!) and it starts the holiday out in a manner that honors our faith, reminding us what it's all about.

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